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Sunday, February 9, 2025

The 24-Minute At-Home Boot Camp

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self logoYou can look like you wake up at 5 a.m. to do push-ups at the mercy of a drill sergeant, but without actually suffering. This at-home routine is quick and painless, and you can expect a firm bod and flat abs.

We’ll spare you from the cold, dark, before-sunrise sweatfest. You can do this boot camp-style circuit anytime, anywhere and expect the same telltale firm body and flat abs. Heidi Jones, a head coach at the swanky gym Brick New York, created this routine based on its popular B/X class.

You’ll Need: One 8-pound medicine ball and two 10-pound dumbbells

Your Plan: There are four stations, with two exercises in each. You’ll do two rounds. It only takes 24 minutes three times a week to fake like you drop and give ’em 20 on the regular.

Self 24 Min Boot Camp Station 11st Station (Works shoulders, arms, abs, obliques, back, butt, and thighs)

Move 1: Start with Knee Tuck. Hold a plank with feet on medicine ball, hands on ground (as shown). Keeping left foot on ball, bring right knee toward chest, then kick right leg out to side. Return to start; repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Continue for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds. (Works shoulders, arms, abs, and obliques.)

Move 2:Next, do Thruster. Start in a squat, thighs parallel to ground, a dumbbell in each hand at shoulders. Stand, driving weights overhead so arms are extended, biceps near ears (as shown). Return to start; repeat for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Then do Knee Tuck again for 45 seconds, and rest for 15. (For round two, switch order to begin and end with Thruster.)

Self 24 Min Boot Camp Station 22nd Station (Works shoulders, arms, abs, butt, hamstrings, and back)

Move 1: Start with Bear Walk. Get on all fours, a dumbbell in each hand; lift hips and straighten legs. Keeping hips lifted, walk right hand and right foot one step forward (as shown); repeat on opposite side, bringing left hand and left foot to meet right for 1 rep. Continue for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Move2:Next, do Hollow Rock. Lie faceup with arms and legs extended off ground at a 45-degree angle (as shown). Keeping abs engaged and arms and legs lifted, rock forward, then backward, for 1 rep. Continue for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Then do Bear Walk again for 45 seconds, and rest for 15. (For round two, switch order to begin and end with Hollow Rock.)

Self 24 Min Boot Camp Station 33rd Station (Works shoulders, arms, butt, thighs, back, chest, and abs)

Move 1: Start with Ball Clean. Crouch, holding a medicine ball between feet on ground. Stand, shrugging shoulders as you flip wrists and bend elbows to bring ball to chest and lower to a squat (as shown). Return to start. Repeat for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Move 2:Next, do Halo. Hold ball overhead with arms extended, elbows soft and abs engaged. Circle ball clockwise above head for 1 rep (as shown). Do 5 reps; switch directions. Continue for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Then do Ball Clean again for 45 seconds, and rest for 15. (For round two, switch order to begin and end with Halo.)

Self 24 Min Boot Camp Station 44th Station (Works shoulders, chest, arms, back, abs, butt, and thighs)

Move 1: Start with Wall Ball. Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding ball at chin with elbows at sides; squat until thighs are parallel to ground. Explode up, extending arms as you throw ball against wall (as shown). Catch ball and immediately return to start. Repeat for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Move 2:Next, do Hands-on Climber. Hold a plank with hands on ball. Bring left knee to left elbow (as shown); quickly switch legs for 1 rep. Continue for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds.

Then do Wall Ball again for 45 seconds, and rest for 15. (For round two, switch order to begin and end with Hands-on Climber.)

Who’s trying this today? Share your experience in the comments!


SELF is the magazine that makes living healthy easy and fun. SELF’s motto: Being fit, strong and active means feeling great, being happy and looking your most beautiful. With trademark authority, SELF speaks to women about three key areas of her being: her body, her looks and her life. SELF makes it fun and fulfilling to be your happiest, healthiest, best self. Reaching a total audience of 12 million each month, SELF is the founder of the Pink Ribbon for breast cancer awareness and an ASME National Magazine Award winner for excellence in journalistic achievement in print and digital. SELF is published by Condé Nast, publisher of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Bon Appétit, GQ, Glamour, The New Yorker, Wired and other celebrated media brands. Visit and follow @SELFmagazine on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Foodily and Google+.

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Photos: Warwick Saint

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