There\'s nothing more soothing than a warm cup of tea. Make your own herbal tea blends or purchase them. Either can treat and soothe a wide variety of conditions.Wintertime can be tough on one’s physic
Osteoporosis - it\'s not just a health concern for women. High salt, caffeine and alcohol intakes are contributing factors. Feed your bones to prevent osteoporosis.Osteoporosis—it’s a term that is more
Although they don\'t often talk about it, men suffer from urinary incontinence, too. Diet, relaxation and behavioural techniques can help.While urinary incontinence (UI) is more common in women, it als
To create aged garlic extract, garlic is crushed and then naturally cold-aged for up to 20 months. Research shows it may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Nearly 2500 years ago, Hippocrates,
It\'s easier to prevent hemorrhoids through healthy lifestyle habits than to treat them.While hemorrhoids are not usually a topic for casual conversation, maybe they should be. Between 50 and 75 percen
Fibrocystic breasts are caused by hormonal changes, and are extremely common, but there are things you can do.Fibrocystic breasts, formerly known as fibrocystic breast disease, is a very common condit
Our nails play an essential role in our everyday life, but most of us pay little attention to them. They may be worth a closer look, though, since they can be a strong indicator of our overall health.
Is eating a low-fat diet really the healthiest option? We take a look at the latest research to find out.Over the past 60 years, the prevalent nutritional advice for heart-healthy living was to follow
Is there any truth to the old sayings about colds and the flu? Here, we bust the myths and facts to help keep you healthy.December is smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, and many of us wil
No matter our age, being happy creates more happiness--making a better world for all of us.Sunshine. Hugs. Good coffee. The things that make us happy are as unique as our souls. But as difficult as ha