What? Pardon me? I can’t hear you! Did you say: “Take care of your ears!”? (We sure did!)How many times did you say, “Pardon me?” or “What?” or “Say again?” today? If the answer is not at all, you pro
We look back at some of the research studies of 2014 that focused on health. Learn the highlights that researchers have uncovered!Each December, alive presents some of the intriguing research studies
Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis and get it earlier. But because men are underdiagnosed and undertreated, their outcomes are often worse. That’s why it’s so important for men to adopt the
Medical marijuana has been regulated by the Canadian federal government since 2001. It\'s been used to treat chronic pain and a variety of other conditions. Researchers are now studying its benefits fo
Discover how artistic activities can aid cancer patients in surprising ways. Music or art therapy not only reduces stress and anxiety, but may even help with physical symptoms. Singing, painting, and
Did you know that one type of glaucoma has no symptoms? This eye disease has been dubbed the silent thief of sight. That’s why it’s so important to schedule regular eye exams with your eye doctor—and
Mistletoe therapy has a long history of use as a complementary treatment for cancer. As a powerful immune stimulant, mistletoe helps kill cancer cells and helps prevent the growth of new blood vessels
From centuries-old health tonics to unusual modern foods, 2016 will be both a year of revolutionary health trends and a simultaneous return to our heritage. Some of these trends may already feel famil
Reducing stress, sleeping better or relieving pain - all may be as simple as becoming conscious of our breath. Deep breathing techniques can change our life!Breathing is absolutely essential to life,
Sixty percent of people who have a thyroid condition go undiagnosed. Learn what symptoms to look for, and the role that natural thyroid support can play.Thyroid dysfunction is common among women in No