If you\'re not familiar with hemp, get to know this excellent source of plant protein. It\'s ideal for vegans, vegetarians, athletes, and everyone else.Hemp has a 400-year history of farming in Canada.
More children and teens are developing type 2 diabetes than ever before. Learn how simple changes to your family\'s food and exercise habits can help prevent this disease.Diabetes and prediabetes affec
Do you normally surrender to overindulgence and give up on your normal healthy routine during the holidays? The season of too-tight pants doesn\'t have to mean the end of your best intentions. Try thes
Feeling more sluggish than usual? Whether you\'re a man or a woman, a hormone imbalance could be making you feel more tired than usual. Check out these natural strategies to get re-energized.Let’s face
Try these science-backed tips and tricks to increase your energy ASAP. Guzzling cup after cup of coffee isn’t the only way to get through a hectic day. If you feel a slump coming on, these natural ene
The many demands of modern life involve a great deal of mental focus. Trying to maintain sustained cognitive focus is, as we all know, draining. We feel exhausted. As a result, we crave energy solutio
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in Canada among women, third among men. Learn how to make a joint health plan by eating healthy, taking well-researched supplements and natural products, a
Happiness isn’t just something that happens to us—we can make it happen. How to do this has become the subject of psychology and science. Find out about the many things (some simple, some surprising)
The most common liver disease in Canada has nothing to do with alcohol. Learn about signs, risk factors, and prevention strategies for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease—which affects up to 25 percent o
Food allergies are often confused with food intolerances. If you\'re unsure which is which, read on to find out how each differs and which tests can verify whether you suffer from an allergy or an into