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Monday, March 10, 2025

Try this Super-Toning Stair Workout

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self logoHit the stairs, and you can sculpt your legs and torch big-time calories. Bonus? They’re pretty much everywhere. Try this 15-minute routine from trainer Adam Griffin, creator of, a site that specializes in stair-based bodyweight workouts. Do the moves in order, and as many reps as you can—with good form, naturally—for 1 minute, taking a 30-second breather in between exercises.

Foot Speed Drill Start on the ground level and step left foot onto stair. Immediately step right foot onto step while simultaneously returning left foot to start. (You want to move lightening-fast; think high knees, but on a step). Repeat as quickly as possible. (Works: butt, thighs, and calves.)

Broad Jump Using arms to propel you, leap to jump up 2 or 3 stairs, landing with soft knees on both feet. Return to start; repeat. (Works: arms, butt, thighs, and calves.)

Decline Pushup Start with feet on a stair 4 or 5 up from the ground, hands on ground shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows to lower chest to floor, keeping hips lifted and back flat, then press through palms to rise back up. Repeat. Need to modify? Lower your knees. (Works: shoulders and chest.)

Step Ups Starting from ground, step left foot onto first stair; raise right knee into air and bring left elbow to touch right knee. Return right foot to start, then left foot. Repeat on opposite side; continue. (Works: butt, thighs, abs, and obliques.)

Shoulder Press Begin with feet on a stair three up from the ground, hands on the first step. Pike hips until arms and torso are almost vertical. Bend elbows to lower head close toward step, then press back to start; repeat. (Works: shoulders.)

V Up Lie face-up on ground with arms extended behind head, legs extended in front of you, heels on second stair. Crunch up and touch fingers to toes. Return to start; repeat. (Works: abs.)

Plank Jump Start with feet on ground, hands shoulder-width apart on stair three or four from the ground in plank position. Jump feet up to the step just below your hands, and then jump feet back to start. Repeat. (Works: arms, butt, and thighs.)

Army Crawl Start with your toes on ground, forearms on stair three or four up from ground; crawl up stairs using only forearms and staying on toes, never letting hips or knees touch stairs, and keeping abs and butt tight. (Works: Shoulders, arms, abs, butt, thighs, and calves.)

Jumping Lunge Starting with both feet on ground, lunge left foot two or three steps up and sink low. Explode up, switching feet in air, to land with right foot in a lunge. Repeat. (Works: Butt and thighs.)

Sprint It Out! Run as fast as you can up the stairs touching each stair with one foot. Walk back down to the start. Repeat. (Works: Butt and thighs.)


Who’s trying this today? Share your experience in the comments!


SELF is the magazine that makes living healthy easy and fun. SELF’s motto: Being fit, strong and active means feeling great, being happy and looking your most beautiful. With trademark authority, SELF speaks to women about three key areas of her being: her body, her looks and her life. SELF makes it fun and fulfilling to be your happiest, healthiest, best self. Reaching a total audience of 12 million each month, SELF is the founder of the Pink Ribbon for breast cancer awareness and an ASME National Magazine Award winner for excellence in journalistic achievement in print and digital. SELF is published by Condé Nast, publisher of Vogue, Vanity Fair, Bon Appétit, GQ, Glamour, The New Yorker, Wired and other celebrated media brands. Visit and follow @SELFmagazine on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Foodily and Google+.

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