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Monday, March 10, 2025

Firm Fast With 6 Simple Ballet-Inspired Moves

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No longer just a dance-studio staple, the barre is the perfect fitness tool for sculpting a strong core and improving flexibility all over. This workout uses tiny but effective movements to tone both large muscles and smaller, supportive ones. There’s no rest between moves, so you’ll keep your heart rate up and see results faster. See the step-by-step instructions for all the moves!

Your trainer: Michelle Demus Auerbach, creator of the barre program at BFX Studios in New York City, developed these moves exclusively for SELF.

You’ll need: A 1- to 2-pound dumbbell, 2 gliders or small towels and a barre or sturdy, hip-high surface (like the back of a couch or chair) to hold on to.

What to Do: 3 sets of the moves, 2 to 3 times a week, on alternate days.

6 Simple Ballet Exercises to Get a Dancer’s Body

1. Curtsy Lunge

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-curtsy-lunge-1Step 1: Stand on gliders with right leg extended and toes pointed, arms out to sides (as shown).











Step 2: Slide right foot back and left into a deep lunge, left knee over toes (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works inner and outer thighs







2. Parallel Quad Burner

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-parallel-quad-burner-1Step 1: Stand with right hand on barre, left arm out to side, a weight in left hand. Rise onto balls of feet, heels touching (as shown).










Step 2: With spine long and core engaged, bend knees and lower for 2 counts, until hips are just above knees (as shown). Return to start in 2 counts. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works core, quads, calves







3. Bridge With Leg Extension

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-bridge-with-leg-extension-1Step 1: Lie face-up with arms flat, heels on gliders. Lift hips to form a straight line from shoulders to knees (as shown).











Step 2: Keeping core engaged and shoulder blades off floor, slowly straighten legs (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps.

Works core, hamstrings








4. Mountain Climber Cross

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-mountain-climber-cross-1Step 1: Start in a plank with toes on gliders, shoulders over wrists (as shown).











Step 2: Bring right knee to left elbow, maintaining a strong plank (as shown). Return to start. Continue for 45 seconds, alternating legs, as fast as you can.

Works arms, core, obliques








5. Lunge to Dégagé

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-lunge-to-degage-1Step 1: Stand with right hand on barre, left arm out to side, a weight in left hand. Lunge forward with left leg, knee over toes, toes on each foot turned out (as shown).










Step 2: With spine long and core engaged, shift weight to right leg. Extend left leg, leading with heel, as you bring weight to midline of body (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works arms, core, legs







6. Plié Squat to Relevé

firm-fast-simple-ballet-moves-plie-squat-to-releve-1Step 1: Stand with right hand on barre, left arm out to side, a weight in left hand. Step into a wide plié squat, knees over toes, feet turned out (as shown).










Step 2: Slide left foot in, rising onto balls of feet and crossing left leg over right. Reach up and toward barre with left arm into a side bend (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works core, obliques, glutes, quads, calves

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