Want to help your guy lower his risk of cardiovascular disease? Make him laugh.Do you cringe as your guy tells another of his terrible jokes? You don’t have to like them, but they may be saving his li
To create aged garlic extract, garlic is crushed and then naturally cold-aged for up to 20 months. Research shows it may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.Nearly 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates
If you\'re concerned about balancing your blood sugar levels, look to nature. Check out fibre, apple cider vinegar, and cinnamon, just a few of the natural blood sugar regulators.Our sense of balance,
Welcome to alive magazine: your source for next-level health hacks, whole-food recipes and everything else you need to build your best life.Ten years ago, my first book was published: Thrive. In it, I
Discover two types of nutritious algae used as supplements: spirulina and chlorella.Algae—not a word normally associated with foods known to entice the appetite. But did you know that this ubiquitous
Welcome to alive’s Additional Resources page. Every month, we choose two or three articles that we know you\'d love to learn more about. For these articles, we highlight additional information and reso
The chances of having a grumpy gut increase when you travel. With these tips to keep your gut microbiome as your ally, you can cultivate problem-free digestion through your entire trip. Hat and sunscr
Allergies can turn your escape into an adventure you hadn’t planned. Follow these simple, natural approaches while you’re travelling to alleviate allergies and enjoy whatever form of escape you crave.
Q: I’m really confused about the idea of detoxifying. Don’t our bodies detoxify naturally every day? Do I need to do anything more?A: You’re right—our bodies have a wonderfully natural detoxification
Wiped. Worn out. Done in. Whatever you call it, being tired sucks. We often seek out highly caffeinated energizers because energy is one of our most valuable resources. Separating natural energy boost