Room-by-Room RenovationsSmall changes that add up to a big impactIf your favorite room is outdated and dingy, a renovation may be all you need to make the old feel new and to fall in love with your ho
Deck Design 101Tips for planning a perfect outdoor oasisTiming can be everything, especially when it comes to planning an outdoor living space. By getting a jump-start on planning, you can afford your
Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Trends to WatchInvesting thousands of dollars in a kitchen or bathroom remodel can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.
Check out some of these trends from the National
Home Upgrades that Make ‘Cents’Improvements to boost your home’s value and enjoymentA home is often a family’s single largest asset, so making investments with upgrades and home improvements is almost
Autumn AdditionsFall upgrades for enhancing your homeFall provides a time for fun and celebration, but it also can be an opportunity to refocus on taking care of your home both indoors and out.
3 Kitchen and Bath Trends for 2018When it’s time for a home remodel, specifically of a bathroom or kitchen, many homeowners turn to trendy looks as inspiration. Color, texture and material variance, l
A Handy Guide to Starting a Home RemodelApprehension and inexperience keep many homeowners from pursuing renovation projects that would make their homes more functional, enjoyable and comfortable. Get
Spruce Up Your Outdoor SpacesOver time, the appearance and function of any outdoor space can dull due to combinations of heat, precipitation and use. With some careful attention, you can quickly spruc
Healthy at HomeHow to improve indoor airflow and qualityMore efficient, tightly built homes than those constructed in previous generations are generally well-regarded, for the most part with good reas
Bring New Life to Your Kitchen with ColorJust as filling your plate with colorful foods is typically good for your body, filling your kitchen with color can be good for the soul. In fact, color is an